Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum are launching a new project called Creating Connections aiming to develop more connections between those involved in the tangible and intangible sectors of heritage across Argyll and Bute. The forum represents all of the heritage activities of our area, and are keen toContinue Reading

Dear Member, Once again it’s time for the A&BMHF Annual General Meeting and we are pleased to invite you to our online event.  (RECORDING BELOW) Holding the meeting online has several advantages – it saves time and cost in travel and means that distant members can join when they mayContinue Reading

Have you added your local heritage organisation website to the UK Web Archive ? The UK Web Archive endeavours to collect and preserve as many UK websites as possible in order to document our online national heritage for future generations. We do this through automated “web crawls” which retrieveContinue Reading

Argyll & Bute Museum and Heritage Forum PROGRAMME for Connecting Conversations Conference Thursday 23rd Feb 2023 FINAL PROGRAMME -CONNECTING CONVERSATIONS ABMHF PDF VERSION 20239.15am Registration opens. Tea/Coffee in the Oak Studio.10.00am Welcome and introduction, Anne Cleave, Chair ABMHF.10.10am Speaker 1 – Alison Diamond – Inveraray Archive:‘Making Friends: building the ArgyllContinue Reading

Delegates from across Scotland will be meeting in Oban in February for an event exploring the heritage and culture of Argyll and Bute. Organised by Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum, ‘Connecting Conversations’ is open to anyone who wishes to share their knowledge of or learn about, Argyll andContinue Reading

The AGM of the ABMHF will be held on Thurs 6 October at 11:00 am online using Zoom. We will be delighted to welcome you to the meeting. Please find the AGM zoom link details below and the agenda for the meeting and the minutes of last year’s AGM attached.Continue Reading

The 2021-2 collaboration with CHARTS to create, fund and execute the Heritage Horizons project saw a major advance in attracting young people into many different local heritage situations. Heritage Horizons placements occured across Argyll, bringing young people into the practical heritage sector where they were involved in creating new QRContinue Reading