Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum are launching a new project called Creating Connections aiming to develop more connections between those involved in the tangible and intangible sectors of heritage across Argyll and Bute.
The forum represents all of the heritage activities of our area, and are keen to reach out to more to join us, and for us to learn more about how heritage influences people and how we can help more.
The Project builds on the Connecting Conversations conference in February 2023, where we brought together many different aspects of our heritage world, exploring how we view heritage in different areas, individually, socially, and in our communities and business.

Over the coming months we are planning

  • a series of community engagement meetings around the county
  • considerable development of the website
  • a GIS digital mapping training course, followed by a new map on the website
  • regular heritage virtual cafe meetings for all across the heritage sector.

We will be seeking applicants for posts for each of these different aspects so keep an eye here on our website, on our social media feeds, join the Forum (it is free) to receive up to date news

ABMHF are grateful to Museums Galleries Scotland and Heritage Lottery Fund for their support.

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