We meet again on Zoom on the 24 April – 2 pm, informally with a mug of tea or coffee, to share ideas and experiences of using ‘Maps and Charts’ to extend our understanding of our own local heritage.
Email us for the zoom link

After the Welcome round-up there will be a short slideshow of some different maps and charts to set the scene and start the discussions on what good uses you have made of them or could make in the future.

Everyone is very welcome whether you have joined in with one of the past three Chats or not.

Argyll and Bute heritage enthusiasts are welcome to our new monthly informal online cafes – whether you are a volunteer, professional, archaeologist, community group, archivist, modern historian, passionate about your local area, inspired by our heritage for your art, craft, music, sports.. all are welcome

All events are free, registration required for the zoom link.

We are very grateful to our funders of the 2024 Creating Connections project : Museums Galleries Scotland and Heritage Lottery Fund for their support of our Creating Connections project this year, which these meetings are one part.

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