ABMHF AGM Thursday 29th October 2 – 4pm via Zoom.

We would like to invite you to our AGM, which this year, will be online via Zoom.

We hope we have an interesting programme for you including 2 speakers who will update you on new initiatives from MuseumsGalleriesScotland, and also the new CHArts subcommittee whose focus is on Heritage (Putting the ‘H’ back into CHArts).

There will also be an opportunity to chat to each other in small groups – mainly for you to catch up with friends and colleagues in our sector and also, we hope, to work out what it is that you would like us to support you with over the coming twelve months – whether it be training in museum/archiving skills, working with volunteers or anything else that comes to mind.

It will be very informal with just a quick chat afterwards to see what ideas you have come up with.

Sadly, there will be no tea and shortbread but it would be great if as many of you were able to join us as possible.

You don’t need to stay for the whole meeting, you are welcome to drop in at any point and leave again if you have other things to do.

However, it’ll be a big help if we have a fair number of members when it comes to AGM decisions like voting in the committee.

Please email Forum Secretary to book your place and we will send you a link prior to the meeting.

We all look forward to catching up with you on the 29th and in the meantime, stay safe.

Yours aye,

Anne Cleave

Chair: Argyll & Bute Museums & Heritage Forum


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